Yolen Jane: How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight (+ Audio CD)

Yolen Jane: How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight (+ Audio CD)

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Жанр : Scholastic
Издательство : Scholastic
Год издания : 2008


In a few simple lines of verse on each spread, fathers and mothers are ready to put their youngsters to bed. But in this book, the youngsters are a wide variety of dinosaurs. And how do dinosaurs say good night? Filled with wonderful detail and humor, children and their parents will love the expressions and antics of the eleven different dinosaur children depicted here, and each species is spelled out somewhere in the young dinosaur's bedroom. In the end, young dinosaurs behave a lot like people do: They give a big kiss, turn out the light, tuck in their tails, and whisper good night.

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