Swan Karen: Christmas at Claridges

Swan Karen: Christmas at Claridges

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Жанр : Macmillan Publishers
Издательство : Macmillan Publishers
Год издания : 2013


This was where her dreams drifted to if she didn't blot her nights out with drink; this was where her thoughts settled if she didn't fill her days with chat. She remembered this tiny, remote foreign village on a molecular level and the sight of it soaked into her like water into sand, because this was where her old life had ended and her new one had begun. Portobello — home to the world-famous street market, Notting Hill Carnival and Clem Alderton. She's the queen of the scene, the girl everyone wants to be or be with. But beneath the morning-after makeup, Clem is keeping a secret, and when she goes too far one reckless night she endangers everything — her home, her job and even her adored brother's love. Portofino — a place of wild beauty and old-school glamour, and where a neglected villa has been bought by a handsome stranger. He wants Clem to restore it for him and it seems like the answer to all her problems — except that Clem has been there once before and vowed, for her own protection, never to return...

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