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Maggia Filippo: Contemporary Photography from the Middle East and Africa

Maggia Filippo: Contemporary Photography from the Middle East and Africa

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Жанр : SKIRA
Издательство : SKIRA
Год издания : 2011


This third book in the series, coming after Contemporary Photography from the Far East and Contemporary Photography from Eastern Europe, this new book brings together the work of artists from Africa and the Middle East. As in the other books in the series, the works are introduced by a critical text and come with a biography of each artist. This heterogeneous selection offers a clear interpretation of contemporary reality through the languages of images. African photographers are looking at the unfolding drama of contemporary life and experience in Africa with a fine-tuned alertness. They are examining and analyzing the dizzying processes of spatial transformation, massive transition, and social adaptation that make up the varied realities of diverse groups: urban and rural, formal and informal communities.

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