Smith Michael: Michael Smith: Elements of Style

Smith Michael: Michael Smith: Elements of Style

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Жанр : Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Издательство : Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Год издания : 2008


Michael Smith is the new darling of the American design world and decorator to the stars. Stylish, glamorous, lively, and varied — Michael Smith's interior design work has been hailed from coast to coast. Divided into two parts, and ranging from the artistic to the practical, the book captures the diversity of influences and ideas that emerge from Michael's work. In Part One, several houses are presented, each one as a complete story so that the reader sees how each room works on its own and within the house as a whole. The houses will be grouped by five themes (eg, country houses, city apartments, family houses, and private retreats).Part Two is a dynamic, informative, and idea-filled resource of photo-illustrated tips, provocative opinions, and insider decorating advice.

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