Raymond Chandler: Trouble is My Business (intro: Karin Slaughter)

Raymond Chandler: Trouble is My Business (intro: Karin Slaughter)

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Жанр : Penguin Group
Издательство : Penguin Group
Год издания : 1989


In the first of the four cases in «Trouble is My Business», LA PI Philip Marlowe is offered a job that leaves a bad taste in the mouth: smearing a girl who’s ‘got her hooks into a rich man’s pup’. Before too long Marlowe’s up to his neck in corpses and cops and he’s taken pity on the girl. There’s nothing like making trouble of your business … The four novellas collected here are quintessential Raymond Chandler: slick, crystal-clear writing that pins the reader to the seat and won’t let go until the last page is turned.

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