Saylor Steven: The Triumph of Caesar

Saylor Steven: The Triumph of Caesar

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Жанр : Прочие
Издательство : Robinson Publishing
Год издания : 2009


The new novel in the Roma Sub Rosa series is set against the background of Caesar's stupendous quadruple triumphs in Rome in 46 BC, full of colour and spectacle. Having obliterated the opposition, Caesar is now dictator for life. In the upcoming celebrations, Vercingetorix the Gaul is scheduled to be executed, as is Arsinoe, the sister of Cleopatra... and Cleopatra herself is in Rome on a state visit, trying to convince Caesar to acknowledge their son as his heir. Marc Antony and Caesar are at odds; Cicero is making a fool of himself with a new teenage bride; and Caesar's wife Calpurnia, having fallen under the spell of an Etruscan soothsayer, is convinced of a plot on her husband's life. Murder and intrigue again draw Gordianus into the vortex of history. Praise for Stephen Saylor 'Saylor's gifts include authentic historical and topographical backgrounds and... sombre themes set off the brilliant scenery and clever plotting' — Times Literary Supplement. 'Saylor's scholarship is breathtaking and his writing enthrals' — Ruth Rendell. 'Readers will find his work wonderfully (and gracefully) researched... this is entertainment of the first order' — Washington Post. 'Saylor has acquired the information of a historian but he enjoys the gifts of a born novelist' — Boston Globe.

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