Piper Ross: Animal Earth: The Amazing Diversity of Living Creatures

Piper Ross: Animal Earth: The Amazing Diversity of Living Creatures

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Жанр : Thames&Hudson
Издательство : Thames&Hudson
Год издания : 2013


The familiar tigers, elephants, eagles, fish, and insects of the animal kingdom account for only a tiny proportion of known species. The true picture of animal life on our planet is much more diverse. Animal Earth takes us on a tour of this animal world, highlighting the bizarre appearances, hidden lives, and mostly small scales of the creatures that inhabit Earth. Drawing on the latest research, it shows how the vast number of species are offshoots from a limited number of lineages, all of which share a common body plan and evolutionary history. Stunning color photographs, electron micrographs, and drawings are featured throughout, with many coming directly from animal specialists and researchers working around the world.

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