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Peyton K.M.: Flambards

Скачать книгу (размер 1 217 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 240) Аннотация: If you love a good story, then look no further. Oxford Children's Classics bring together the most unforgettable stories ever told. They're books to treasure and return to again and again. Christina is sent to live with her uncle in his country house, Flambards, and knows from the moment she arrives that she'll never fit in. Her uncle is fierce and domineering and her cousin, Mark, is selfish —…

Peyton K M.: Flambards Divided

Скачать книгу (размер 1 462 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 288) Аннотация: This is the final book in the best-selling Flambards series. The First World War is over and Christina marries Dick, who was once the groom at Flambards. The local gentry refuse to accept the couple socially and, with Mark Russell due home from the war, Christina is forced to face the consequences of her decision. And in the end it is Christina who is as much divided as Flambards, in her feelings…