Louisa May Alcott: Good Wives

Louisa May Alcott: Good Wives

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Жанр : Penguin Group
Издательство : Penguin Group
Год издания : 2011


Louisa May Alcott’s captivating story opens with joyful, bustling preparations for a family wedding. Three years on from Little Women, the four March girls have developed into young adults, with their eyes directed towards the future. Meg embarks on wedded life with the carefree optimism of a new bride, yet all is not plain sailing. Aided by her mother’s firm but gentle guidance and the harsh lessons which experience brings, Meg struggles towards the goals of blissful marriage and motherhood. Meanwhile, her sister Jo dons the ‘scribbling suit’ and again tries for success in writing, but the young ‘my lady’ Amy discovers greater gifts than art in her travels abroad. Only meek little Beth has no ambition beyond her home comforts and, though her burden is heaviest of all, she too discovers peace at last. Poignant and comic in turns, Good Wives is the fitting, if unexpected, conclusion to the careers of the merry ‘little women’.

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