Krier Rob: Figures: A Pictorial Journal

Krier Rob: Figures: A Pictorial Journal

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Жанр : Papadakis
Издательство : Papadakis
Год издания : 2010


Human shapes rendered in varying degrees of physiognomic and anatomical verisimilitude, all deeply imagined and felt. Figures is the first volume of a comprehensive series on the artistic work of the well-known international architect and town planner Rob Krier. Although best known for his city planning projects all over Europe, especially the new town of Brandevoort near Helmond, and a new village near Hertogenbosch, both in the Netherlands; for his teaching as a Professor at the Technical University of Vienna and as a visiting professor at Yale, Rob Krier's first love has always been art and sculpture, where he can create freely without the constraints of clients, budgets and building regulations. His many sculptures for public spaces include figures for the main buildings of his Ritterstrasse and Rauchstrasse developments in Berlin, and for the Mol de la Fusta in Barcelona. He has spoken of his figures as the 'dreams with which I fill my evenings.' The drawings reproduced here were made in the postcard size notebooks he always carries with him. The figures themselves are also small, formed in clay on a modelling block, then glazed and fired in his kiln, the work of an artist, independent of any constraints.

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