Haring Norbert: Economics 2: 0: What the Best Minds in Economics Can Teach You About Business and Life

Haring Norbert: Economics 2: 0: What the Best Minds in Economics Can Teach You About Business and Life

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Жанр : Palgrave
Издательство : Palgrave
Год издания : 2009


This is a compilation of cutting-edge economic research in an accessible format. This book will include top thinkers in the economic field from around the world including Philippe Aghion, Paul Krugman, Daniel Gros, George Lowenstein, and more. Over 20,000 copies sold within the first year of publication. It has won the Get Abstract Award for the best book in Business and Economics (Frankfurt Bookfair 2007). This title includes a new chapter on the sub-prime mortgage crisis and will have a preface by a top-name US economist. Chapters on happiness, globalization and financial markets have been updated. Economics 2.0 makes an impressive case for the argument that economics is not a dry science and that economics principles impact much of our day to day life. Completely without formulas and theoretical ballast, the authors present current findings of prominent economists and expand the economic knowledge of their readers.

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