James O'Driscoll: Britain

James O'Driscoll: Britain

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Жанр : Oxford University Press
Издательство : Oxford University Press
Год издания : 1996


A readable introduction to British institutions, attitudes and daily life. • Covers in 23 chapters all aspects of British life, giving students a real insight into what it means to live in Britain. • Gives the essential facts about Britain and looks at the attitudes and beliefs which shape them. • Describes both the public face of Britain — the Britain of the national and international news — and the private daily life of the British people. • Provides lots of detailed extra information alongside the main text, often in the form of charts and graphs, extracts from popular fiction and newspapers and so on. • Asks questions at the end of each chapter to encourage analysis of the text and to stimulate cross-cultural comparisons. • Is attractively illustrated in full colour. • Provides suggestions for further reading. • Includes a detailed index to make it easy to locate specific items of information.

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