Preston Douglas: Cemetery Dance

Preston Douglas: Cemetery Dance

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Жанр : Orion Books
Издательство : Orion Books
Год издания : 2010


FBI Special Agent Aloysius Pendergast — recently returned to New York — and Lieutenant Vincent D'Agosta find themselves investigating the murder of a friend when reporter William Smithback and his wife Nora are brutally attacked in their apartment. The assailant is identified by eyewitnesses as their strange, sinister neighbour — a man who, by all accounts, died ten days earlier. Shunning the official inquiry, Pendergast and D'Agosta undertake their own private — and unorthodox — quest for the truth. Their journey takes them deep into the dark and mysterious underbelly of Manhattan, to a secretive, reclusive cult of Obeah and voodoo which no outsiders have ever survived...

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