Bennett Catherine: Mrs Cameron's Diary

Bennett Catherine: Mrs Cameron's Diary

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Жанр : Little, Brown and Company
Издательство : Little, Brown and Company
Год издания : 2011


Dave's mobile went — poor Cleggsy, wanting to know what the Queen was like. «Incredibly nervous», Dave said. «But Sam soon put her at her ease.» We have heard, it seems, every opinion on the rise of the coalition save one: that of the new Prime Minister's wife, Samantha. Star journalist Catherine Bennett has stepped in to give us a glimpse of Sam Cam's first year in Downing Street. What to do about Cherie's nightmare granite'n'pine kitchen? How can Dave's rationingy-austerity-depressiony vibe be harnessed for the luxury goods market? Is there a polite strategy for avoiding Miriam Clegg's bookclub?

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