Reilly Vanessa: Cookie and Friends A: Class Book

Reilly Vanessa: Cookie and Friends A: Class Book

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Жанр : Книжки-игрушки, раскраски, наклейки
Издательство : Oxford University Press
Год издания : 2005


Cookie and Friends is a three-level, story-based course with a rich package of resources that are practical and fun — perfect for the very young. Cookie and Friends offers you everything you need to teach 3-6 year olds. The incredible resources, including posters, flashcards, a puppet, CD-ROM and AudioCD are not only fun for your students, but help you to establish classroom routines. The delightful stories are brought to life through the beautiful A4 story cards. Plus — the tear-out worksheets develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills as well as language learning.

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