Scott Mariani: The Shadow Project

Scott Mariani: The Shadow Project

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Жанр : HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство : HarperCollins Publishers
Год издания : 2010


Only one man can foil a plot set to change the course of history! The latest heart-stopping novel from the rising star of the conspiracy thriller genre. Ex-SAS soldier Ben Hope is enjoying life at Le Val, the facility in Northern France where he trains others in the dangerous art of hostage rescue, until a chance incident forces him to take on the role of bodyguard to the Swiss billionaire Maximilian Steiner. The victim of a recent abduction attempt, Steiner believes that a neo-Nazi terror group are bent on seizing a prized document from his personal collection — one that could support claims that the Holocaust never happened. But what initially seemed like a straightforward VIP protection job is turned upside-down by the appearance of a mystery woman from Ben's past. Could he be right about her, or is he losing his edge? On a quest across Europe, Ben finds himself embroiled in a deadly kidnap intrigue and a sinister project that has lain dormant since 1944. The stakes are global — and this time Ben is also fighting to protect the people closest to him!

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