Sheldon Sidney: Sands of Time

Sheldon Sidney: Sands of Time

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Жанр : Hachette Livre
Издательство : Hachette Livre
Год издания : 1993


Spain. A land of eternal passion and unceasing bloodshed. From the vengeance of a pitiless tyrant, four women flee the sacred, once safe walls of a convent: Lucia, the proud survivor harboring a murderous secret from the savage clan wars of Sicily… Graciella, the beauty still unpurged of guilt from one reckless youthful sin...Megan, the orphan seeking perilous refuge in the arms of a defiant Basque rebel… and Teresa, the believer haunted by a faith that mocks her with silence. Leaving innocence but not hope behind, they venture into an alien, dazzling world, where each will encounter an unexpected destiny and the truth about herself.

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