Frost Robert: The Road Not Taken: A Selection of Robert Frost's Poems

Frost Robert: The Road Not Taken: A Selection of Robert Frost's Poems

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Жанр : Macmillan Publishers USA
Издательство : Macmillan Publishers
Год издания : 2002


The best-loved poems from one of American literature's most towering figures No poet is more emblematically American than Robert Frost. From The Road Not Taken to Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, he refined and even defined our sense of what poetry is and what it can do. T. S. Eliot judged him the most eminent, the most distinguished Anglo-American poet now living, and he is the only writer in history to have been awarded four Pulitzer Prizes. Henry Holt is proud to announce the republication of four editions of Frost's most beloved work for a new generation of poets and readers. In this brilliant selection of Frost's classic poems, students and scholars alike will encounter a body of work central to American culture.

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