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Smith Jim: Barry Loser and the Holiday of Doom

Smith Jim: Barry Loser and the Holiday of Doom

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Жанр : Egmont
Издательство : Egmont
Год издания : 2014


Roald Dahl Funny Prize award-winning series. It is perfect for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Mr Gum and Tom Gates. 'It all started eight million weeks ago when we were walking home from school past a Feeko's Supermarket. Valentine's Day was coming up, and the whole window was filled with cuddly heart pillows and other loserish things like that.' Barry can't wait to tell his friends that they've been invited on his family caravan holiday to Plonkton. But the weekend by the sea doesn't turn out to be the keelfest Barry was hoping for. It's all his best mate Bunky's fault for going and falling in love. Oh. My. Unkeelness!

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