Hannigan Paula: When I'm Big: A Silly Slider Book

Hannigan Paula: When I'm Big: A Silly Slider Book

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Жанр : Daedalus Books
Издательство : Daedalus Books
Год издания : 2010


When I'm Big is an interactive story that literally grows with the reader. Specially formatted Silly Sliders are designed to move up and down the page — transforming the picture and telling the story. Words appear and disappear while the characters grow up right before the reader's eyes. Inside When I'm Big, kids will be wowed when a young boy gazing longingly at a rocket ship, suddenly blasts off as a grown-up astronaut inside it. Other dream jobs range from magician, rock star, and firefighter, to chef, circus performer, and baker. Simple text and bright, richly painted illustrations complete this engaging storybook.

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