Travel Notebook

Travel Notebook

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Жанр : Daedalus Books
Издательство : Daedalus Books
Год издания : 2007


16 perforated airmail letters, 16 colourful stickers to seal your letter featuring the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower, binoculars, laden cars, aeroplanes etc., space for 48 names, addresses, phone and emails of your closest friends and relatives, blank pages for your sketches complete with space for date and location of your journey. On quality bright white paper, here is a daily log to note the date and the best things you saw, itineraries to complete in a weekly fill-it-in-yourself calendar, a dedication page 'This book belongs to', suggested clothing, toiletries and recreational items to take and a paper wallet for mementoes. All bound together in this lovely spiral bound softback with fun animals ballooning on the cover. Suit ages ten to adult.

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