Grahame K.: The Wind in Willows (ill: )

Grahame K.: The Wind in Willows (ill: )

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Жанр : CRW Publishing
Издательство : CRW Publishing
Год издания : 2009


When Mole tires of spring-cleaning his home, he takes a stroll to the riverbank. There he meets a new friend, Ratty, who introduces him to the delightful world of the river and all its residents. Beyond the river, which has now lured Mole away from home, lies the Wild Wood, where the reclusive Badger has made his home. The three animals become firm friends that winter when Ratty and Mole take refuge from the snow in Badgers house. Together they have many thrilling adventures with the irrepressible Mr Toad, who, try as he might, simply cannot help getting into trouble.

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