Cox Caroline: Vintage Jewellery: Sourcebook

Cox Caroline: Vintage Jewellery: Sourcebook

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Жанр : Carlton
Издательство : Carlton
Год издания : 2014


Decade by decade, the beautifully illustrated Vintage Jewellery Sourcebook traces 100 years of design history, from Lalique's Art Nouveau enamelling at the turn of the twentieth century to Christian Dior's mid-century costume pieces to 1980s high-luxe power jewellery. From 1890-1990, each decade begins with a historical introduction to the era and then offers a key looks spread showing an at-a-glance view of the important designs that defined the era. The book concludes with a shopping guide, which offers pointers on sourcing and caring for original antique pieces, and glossaries on notable designers and technical terminology.

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