Turner Tracey: The Comic Strip History of the World

Turner Tracey: The Comic Strip History of the World

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Жанр : Bloomsbury Publishing
Издательство : Bloomsbury Publishing
Год издания : 2008


From the Big Bang, to the present day, via Ancient China, The Roman Empire, Attila the Hun, The Dark Ages, Enlightenment, Revolution! etc. The entire history of the world has been packed into one hilarious, irreverent comic strip. From Goths and Visigoths, to Newton and Copernicus, all the significant facts and titillating trivias of the world's most important periods, starting with the Big Bang, have been condensed for your entertainment and of course, education. Written by Tracey Turner (101 Things) and illustrated by celebrated cartoonist Sally Kindberg, this is the ultimate book for absolutely everyone. (Why let kids have all the fun).

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