Belle De Jour: Belle De Jour's Guide to Men

Belle De Jour: Belle De Jour's Guide to Men

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Жанр : Orion Books
Издательство : Orion Books
Год издания : 2010


Belle de Jour is a woman who's met men of every conceivable type. She knows what they want, and how to give it to them. And outside the one-hour appointments, she's also had her heart broken, picked herself back up, put on another stunning pair of shoes and carried on — so she knows a thing or two about love as well as sex. So sit back, relax and listen to what your friends are too polite to tell you. About when you need or want a man, and when you damn well don't. Whether you want to find men, lure them, ditch them, hitch them — here's the lowdown. Funny, surprising and always entertaining, BELLE DE JOUR'S GUIDE TO MEN is must-have reading for every woman out there.

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