Baron Charles McMoran Wilson Moran: Churchill at War 1940-1945

Baron Charles McMoran Wilson Moran: Churchill at War 1940-1945

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Жанр : Daedalus Books
Издательство : Daedalus Books
Год издания : 2002


A memoir of Winston Churchill. It contains extracts from the candid diaries of Churchill's doctor Lord Moran, his devoted friend and confidant, revealing how the great man faced up to and absorbed the strain of events during the war years, the tremendous burden of his responsibilities, and his extraordinary resolution. Moran's keen observation, sensitivity, truth and insight should shed light on Churchill's conduct and personality. We hear of his weaknesses as well as his strengths: his rages, his jokes and salty comments, his occasional foolishness, and his rare cattiness. Moran also records details of other world figures, as well as the historic events in which Churchill played so momentous a part. This volume also contains an introduction by Lord Moran's son.

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