Бабурина Нина Ивановна: The Silent Film Poster

Бабурина Нина Ивановна: The Silent Film Poster

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Жанр : Книги на иностранных языках
Издательство : Арт-Родник
Год издания : 2002


This volume is based on silent film posters from the Russian collections. Full-page reproductions of 161 Russian silent film posters are presented here in chronological order: from the very beginning of the twentieth century till the 1930's. The introductory article by Nina Baburina, well-known specialist in Russian and Soviet poster art, traces the main trends in the development of the silent film poster. The book forms a representative cross-section of the finest arts posters created over thirty years of the twentieth century. Amongst the artists who dedicated themselves to poster art in the twenties we find Anatoly Belsky, Izrail Bograd, Grigory Borisov, Mikhail Dlugach, losif Gerasimovich, Anton Lavinsky, Alexander Naumov, Nikolai Prusakov, Alexander Rodchenko, Yakov Ruklevsky, and The Stenberg Brothers, best known as 2 Stenberg 2. The introduction is accompanied by a catalogue containing a list of notes to the plates and the poster designers' brief biographies, as well as necessary abbreviations. With its wealth of illustrations this remarkable volume will stand as the definitive account of one of the most interesting phases in the history of Russian poster art. With 196 illustrations reproduced in full colour.

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