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Grevy Fabienne: Graffiti Paris

Grevy Fabienne: Graffiti Paris

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Жанр : Abrams
Издательство : Abrams
Год издания : 2008


As much as London, New York and Los Angeles, Paris has been hijacked by street artists who have transformed public spaces into giant showrooms with their posters, stickers, silk-screens, paintings, mosaics, murals, stencils and photocopies. Photographer and art historian Fabienne Grevy leads a tour of Paris' popular art, exhibited on pavements, stairways, metro stations, abandoned buildings and anywhere else an artist found a patch of open space. The inspirations for these images is as diverse as the artists producing them, and recognizable sources range from the cave paintings at Lascaux to nineteenth-century Japanese blockprints to graphic design to cartoons and comics and even some rather reflexive street art about street art itself.

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